Diane Arthur Counselling

About Counselling and Psychotherapy

What can I expect from a therapy session?
Your first face-to-face meeting with me will be a continuation of our initial telephone conversation (if we've had one). In any case the aim is to gain detail about the issue that is concerning you and importantly, develop a goal for what you want to achieve from the session(s). After the first session, should you wish to continue, we will work with the issue, by talking about it; exploring the effect it has on you and discover areas where you may have choice. I must say that this is a broad guide-line, the work with each client is quite unique.

What conditions can therapy help?
Most dis-ease can be helped with therapy. Feelings such as anxiety (fear), sadness (depression), shame and anger are totally acceptable to discuss and express appropriately. Common issues that people bring to sessions can be around work, family, intimate relationships, money... anything really!

What benefits can be expected?
Many clients report that speaking with someone in confidence and one step removed from their situation can be really beneficial. I find that as the work progresses greater awareness develops and insights about the problem present themselves so that a sense of choice emerges and real change can take place.

What you mean by the word 'therapy'?
By 'therapy' I refer to talking therapy such as counselling and psychotherapy. I use the word therapy purely because counselling and psychotherapy is a bit of a mouthfull (see below for the difference between counselling and psychotherapy).

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
A short and general answer is that psychotherapists generally have a more in-depth and lengthy training period than counsellors. Consequently it is held that while there is some overlap in the kind of work that both professions do, a psychotherapist is able to work deeper and with more complex cases.

My training culminated in attaining a Masters degree in psychotherapy. In order to get this I studied for four years. As well as academic work, my training involved having weekly therapy for the duration of the four year period, prior to qualifying I had to complete at least 450 hours of client work as well as 150 hours of supervision. I also completed a dissertation. Most (but not all) counsellors do not have this level of training or experience when they get their qualification.

About Therapy #01

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